Wednesday, March 18, 2009

95. Petite. Jeans.

my first shower is this weekend. very excited about it. (thanks carrie!)

then i started to wonder what i was going to wear!? while i have been exercising and doing good i still don't fit into my jeans. i bought one pair that was supposed to fit me now until i shrunk but instead they are those obnoxious stretch jeans and if i wear them once they get too big after about an hour. so....

i got it in my head that i needed a new pair of jeans. easier said than done. i'm short. therefore i need petite jeans. unfortunately most stores only sell those sizes online and i wasn't about to pay $22 for overnight shipping - wtf? i'm really not even willing to pay shipping and handling for jeans that should be sold in the store. i mean really - the jeans they sell in there - if i hold them up to be the proper length for me the waist hits my boobs. i'm sorry but i don't see mass amounts (or really any for that matter) of women walking around whose waist is that high.

and now they have what are called fashion jeans. these styles do not come in a petite option - even online. so...what? short people can't be fashionable?


luckily i found a super cute pair of jeans. they fit. and they were only a tad bit too long - not yards like some pairs. and doubly lucky - i have a co-worker who is willing to hem them for me :)

so there ya go. that's my exciting news for the day. that and i managed to get up this morning and workout. granted i just stared for the most part at the people on the dvd doing ab exercises instead of doing them with them (i hate burpies...). i did do a big chunk of it though. i also did the treadmill and lifted weights. yay me.


KeLL said...

Where did you get them from? I'm always looking for new places to buy jeans. I'm in desperate need of jeans as well. The last pair I bought, I was with you and it was before I was pregnant!

michelle said...

i got them at old navy :)

carrster said...

Penney's always has petite jeans. They're pretty cute too. I love having pants that are the right length! It's such a novelty!