Monday, March 30, 2009

103. Frump

monday mornings are not my friend.

with them comes the return of work. they also mean that the frump dump guard is on duty.

swear to god - this guard has been sick since he started about 3 months ago. he sits directly behind me. so not only do i get the lovely odor of feet, cig smoke and grease (it was so bad one day i had to make him move to the donor wating room) but he constantly is sniffling and snotting - the kind you can feel go down the back of your own throat. gag. and he coughs. but not a normal cough. more like a 'hack hack hack hack' - he sounds like a cat with a nasty hairball. horrid. and he's a slob. i came in one day to to find his uniform shirts spread out all over the floor, newspaper everywhere - food everywhere. disgusting!

sorry. i just had to get it off my chest. i feel like if i hear him honk, snot or hack one more time i'm going to turn around and smack him over the head (after i get a rubber glove becuase i don't think he's washed his hair since he started working here either...). he's just a big fucking frumpy douche.

what happened to natural selection?

only 34 minutes of his shift left - thank goodness.....

another fun thing - i'm currently having my THIRD cluster heacache in a week. perhaps that's making me exceptionally crabby this morning.........

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