Saturday, August 16, 2008

36. To Cut!

i'm going to do it!

i just made an appointment at the JUUT (i think that's how you spell it) salon for september 13th - the day i will try on my wedding dress again! the salon itself is pretty expensive but since i'm rather nervous about chopping it off i want it to be good. not that places like cost cutters and trade secret are not good but i haven't had the best of luck there - very hit or miss - (anyone remember the time when they decided to layer my bangs! ack!). so i'm shelling out a few more bucks and crossing my fingers.

i'm also going to be getting it styled like i would for the wedding so i get the full effect. so - be on the lookout for a cut angled (or not) bob cut with some volume in the back (ala early 60's). if you find something let me know - i've been looking but haven't seen exactly what i'm looking for.

alright - now i'm off to the gym. must go to gym before i can play with all the cute stuff i just bought at the yarn store :) (someone really should ban me from it - i went in to buy one small thing and ended up leaving with about ten more....)


Molly said...

I make rules for myself at places like yarn stores: I have to make X number of things before I can buy more yarn. I'm actually not allowed to buy more yarn until the year 2013, but that's no biggie. I'm god at bending rules.

Have you tried The Knot hair pages? On those chatting boards, they have a few profiles set up just for hair photo collections. When I was about to get married, I had a Word document I used to copy and paste ideas into: cakes I liked, accessories, hair styles, dress styles, etc. You would probably find what you are looking for. Just hop onto those chat forums and search.

michelle said...

thanks :) i will do that!

as for the yarn - i told myself i wouldn't buy more yarn until i used what i had. but then i had to make another baby blanket and got yarn for that. but...i've been using up my hoard of baby cotton yarn making a lot of wasclothes so i made that justify my new purchase. it's a beautiful yarn for this shetland lace scarf pattern that i also bought. the other stuff was gift related and not for me but still.... :)

we should get together and knit!

Molly said...

Is the scarf pattern on the net? I'd love to check it out. I'm doing my first lace project right now. :)

Note to self: no tipsy knitting. I added seven stitches last night. Oy.

michelle said...

it is not - to my knowlege. i bought the book the pattern is in but i'd be happy to make you a copy when i find a scanner and printer - something i currently lack....

it's super pretty!

Molly said...

Isn't Shetland pretty tricky knitting? Or am I just confused? I'm doing something very basic right now. :) I'm a sloooooooooow learner!

michelle said...

it looked complicated at first but upon closer inspection it doesn't seem to bad. the only think i'm worried about is connecting the two pieces - but the lady at the yarn store said to just bring it in when i reach that point and she'll help me through it.

let me know an evening when you're free and we'll get together. no tipsy knitting i promise :)

Molly said...

I'm free all this week, actually. :) Wow, I'm a bit of a loser...