Sunday, August 31, 2008

46. Sugar Bullets

chris and i have been venturing away from our normal routine of sitting on the couch watching the history channel or playing cribbage and have actually left the house in pursuit of fun activities. these have included (but have not been blogged about yet due to lack of being able to upload pictures into our dying computer) - the state fair, the science museum 'star wars' exhibit and a stuart davis show.

don't know stuart davis? if not, you should. when chris and i first started dating he told me that davis was one of his favorite musicians and that if we were going to last i'd have to like him as well. (he didn't really say it in those words but it was strongly implied...) he played a few tracks for me and at first...well...i wasn't getting it. not wanting to jeopardize our new relationship though i said i really liked it! :)

a few months ago he bought davis's newest cd and it turns out i loved it! the guy is hysterical! so - we found out he'd be playing at bryant lake bowl this weekend and went to see him. it was a short show (chris said he usually played a lot longer normally) but i loved it anyway. it was great to actually see him after hearing so much about him for almost two years now.

so - i highly recommend that you check him out. great stuff.

p.s. now i only need to see jack white perform at a venue that intimate and i would die happy :)


Molly said...

I went to Bryant Lake Bowl last April for a poetry book launch party and it was PACKED. I cannot imagine how chaotic it would be if I went to a concert there! Very intimate, yes.

Dolce said...

State Fair? I grew up in WI and used to love going to the state fair as a kid...missouri's state fair is not even close!