Sunday, August 17, 2008

38. Someday......

someday chris and i will live in a house and have our very own washer and dryer.....until that day i have to share those machines with a bunch of fuck monkeys who cannot tell time.....

the washing machine takes 38 minutes. the dryer takes 55 minutes. i went up to start 3 loads of laundry (we only have 3 machines). two of the machines were full of wet clothes. i waited for about ten minutes and then just moved their clothes to the dryer and started my own. knowing that the dryer takes a bit longer i waited an additional 25 minutes before going to switch my clothes. i went up and the moron only dried one load of clothes and that load still has 18 minutes on it! the other load is still sitting there all wet!

i'm timing the fucker. i'll give them 20 minutes and then their shit goes on the folding table - wet or dry i don't care. it's inconsiderate and a fucking waste of my day to have to sit around and wait for some ass who can't tell time to finish washing their camo shorts.

sorry - i get slighty upset with idiots......

so - i went upstairs only to discover that the little shit took out the one load and then started that other load! another 55 minutes to wait for a dryer! luckily i was able to cram 3 loads of wet laundry into 2 dryers. oh - and they forgot to clean the lint traps. Word to all Idiots: No one wants to clean off your nasty fuzz and icky hairs from the trap - do it yourself!

i'm done doing laundry for the day. i'll let chris do the rest tomorrow morning when they probably won't be so busy. i'm off to knit! :)

1 comment:

KeLL said...

I hated doing laundry in apartments. People are very inconsiderate. I cherish my washer and dryer. No more hoarding quarters!