Thursday, August 28, 2008

44. Isolation

okay. i'm more than upset now. i'm getting serioulsy pissed off.

the united states would like to isolate russia for not abiding by the cease fire agreement in it's recognition of south ossetia's and abkhazian's independence. also - and most importantly (in their minds) invading georgia.

hello! does no one see how fucking absurd this is? georgia invaded south ossetia! russia reacted in an effort to protect the people of south ossetia. what is so hard to understand about this?

today putin claimed that the united states orchastrated this whole ordeal - as in they were behind georgia's attack on south ossetia. he claims they did this to give an advantage to a certain presidential candidate. i don't know about this last part but as soon as i heard of this mess i thought about the first thing he said - and i wouldn't put something like that past our government i'm sorry to say.

agh! what does our government not understand about the fact that we basically have no fucking miliatry to spare right now? what do they not understand about russia having a valid point? i am just shocked that no one in the higher ups (unless i'm missing it somewhere) is against this isolation of russia. do they not understand what a horrid idea this is? oh wait - the bush administration doesn't think. at all.

am i alone here? is anyone else worried about this? i wish i knew some way to get's bothering me that much.....

i changed my mind. perhaps putin is right about this giving an advantage to a certain presidential candidate. by creating this whole mess with russia it brings back that sense of fear that the republicans have been oh-so-fond of using these past eight years. so is this a ploy to keep their control of the white house? i would not put it past them......

1 comment:

Molly said...


I don't think I know quite enough to be able to take a stance, though your information makes an obviously valid argument. Give me the weekend to read up on it and I'll get back to you. :)

In the meantime: Goodness, duh! This administration has HORRIFYING foreign policies, always has, and so that is why tonight, and so many dates after it, are so very very important.