Thursday, July 24, 2008

24. Crack

chris and i are on crack. well, mainly me. we're going to the midnight premiere of the X-Files movie.

when we first saw the trailer on tv chris was super excited - i had no idea he was x-files fan. i myself never got into it while the show was on - i didn't consider myself to be a fan of the whole sci-fi thing. then one christmas (or new years - i can't remember) day my mom and i got caught up in an x-files marathon and i fell in love with it. (i also now love sci-fi) so i was pretty excited about the movie as well....

chris has never been to a midnight premiere. i've done a few (mainly harry potter ones) and loved them. they're just fun - especially when they're of the cultish variety. so i kinda talked him into doing this and now i'm thinking i must have been on crack becuase it's 10 to 10 and i'm ready for bed. so sleepy!

ah well. tomorrow is friday - just have to make it through the work day and then it's sleep central!

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