Wednesday, July 16, 2008

21. One of These Topics Does Not Belong.....


i'm at work today with james (the talker). i think he's started to get the hint that i don't care to chat and so he's backed off. that and he's distracted from watching the television he carries in each and every day to watch such enlightening shows as Tyra, Dr. Phil and Oprah. let it be known that i cannot stand any of these shows - dr. phil especially.*

for the most part of i've learned to tune it out but today i walked into something i was not prepared for. i went to wash out a few of my lunch dishes and came back to hear Oprah's favorite gynecologist (do people actually put those in a favorite category?) on. the topic being discussed at that moment just happened to be finding your clitoris. i turned around and walked upstairs to chat with a co-worker for the next 20 minutes until my shift ended.

i hate to make fun of him because i really think he just doesn't get it. things that click in normal people completely bypass this man. i just couldn't stand to sit in that hot cramped little space with him smelling like sweat listening to someone like oprah talk about having an orgasm. not work appropiate. (i didn't bother saying anything to anyone as i'd probably be told to just step outside my comfort zone again....please....)

*people who go on that show (and indeed many who watch it) need a massive slap across the face and also to be sterilized from producing anymore of their kind. sorry - but it had to be said.

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