Monday, July 14, 2008

18. Updates

so......where to begin....

my dad is doing alright. i ended up driving up on friday morning to be there during his angioplasty. everything went very smoothly. the doctor explained everything to us and let us know what needed to be done - mom seems pretty determined to make sure everything sticks so that makes me happy. i know for a lot of people it seems like a no-brainer....he has to work out and eat right! but how many of us actually get around to sticking to that change. we do it for a couple of weeks and then kinda fall off track. granted most of us don't have such extreme circumstances but often times having those makes the changes even harder. so - i'm just hoping they make a good go of it and becomes a lifestyle change. i want them both around for many many years to come!

on saturday evening chris and i atteneded the wedding of a fellow firefighter. everything was going dandy until the father daughter dance begun. i think it all hit me then - the severity of the whole situation. i was actually suprised at how calm i'd been considering what an emotional freak i am most of the time. as soon as they started dancing though i lost it. chris took me outside and we walked and talked until i felt better and was able to return. so yeah - it's tough.

wow. yeah......

in other news - i had an interview at the history center. i didn't tell anyone about it so as not to jinx it but well....didn't matter. when i arrived she let me know right away that they had posted the position wrong - it was not a full time permenant position but rather a part time temporary! ugh. whatever though - i still wanted it. ticketing, answering phones, and doing coat check for an upcoming exhibit. i got the call today - evidently i'm not qualified enough to check coats. double ugh.

but...i'm trying not to wallow in self pity. trying. i'm also going to try and stop freaking out about how much i hate my job. the things i complain about are petty and retarded. i inherited my dads temper and seeing how much his blood pressure affects his health and just everything has made me realize i need to calm down. i know this won't happen over night but i'll work on it. perhaps i'll learn yoga.

more later.......


Anonymous said...


I know how you feel about your father. The man I consider my father also leads a very unhealthy lifestyle (and has had multiple heart attacks) and I've always felt extremely helpless in the situation. There is nothing to be done except be certain that I will not repeat the same unhealthy mistakes.

I send you hugs!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes, you definitely want to be able to dance with your dad at your wedding! I hope your mom keeps him in line because, as you said, changing your habits can be hard.

Good luck with the job search! I've definitely been there, and it can be SO frustrating, but I'm sure you'll find something eventually.

Dolce said...

I'm very happy everything turned out alright for your dad. Mine had a very invasive surgery this year and I understand your concern.