Saturday, July 5, 2008

12. Wandering....

today is one of those saturdays where chris works and i'm left to my own devices.

i woke up a little before 10 and have fallen into my normal 'chris works saturday routine' of knitting and watching history channel shows about nazi's or the bible (do they ever have anything else on?).

i'm attempting to get myself in 'DO SOMETHING' mode! cleaning. exercising. i got myself into the room where the treadmill is but then i sat down at the computer and started blogging. i really just want to sit and knit more - i know i'm accomplishing something by doing that but it doesn't really feel like it.

alright - enough talking. i must get on the treadmill (aka return to the couch and craft)!

p.s. hope you all had a wonderful 4th of july! chris and i spent the day visiting kelly and christian and then we saw chris's best man bryan and his wife kari. we did not end up seeing any fireworks - chris was on squad and so we had to stick pretty close to home. instead we watched the sci-fi channel's 24 hour Twlight Zone marathon. i love that show.

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