Thursday, April 30, 2009

121. Single Digits

we're down to the single digits. 9 days.

so we're making our own favors for the wedding. mix cd's. i bought a variety of cute cd packaging kits. they look great. one problem. one of the songs had been bought from itunes. in this instance itunes will only let you burn 7 copies. so i had to get that song from another source - one that chris had signed up for. download the song ('all i want is you' by barry louis palisar/juno soundtrack). great. burnt about 100 cd's.

the other night chris and i were working on something and listening to the playlist and that song came on. guess we should have listened to the whole song. at the end the singer (at least i think it's him) comes on in some twangy (more twangy than his normal voice) and starts singing another version of the song. one that includes one person being the cow and the other person being the udders. uhhhhh....yeah.....

if you're coming to the wedding. i apologize. i can't fix it. well i could but i don't have the funds to buy more cds and more packaging kits - especially now that over 100 have been made. hopefully people will just laugh. hopefully they won't think there is something wrong with chris and i.....

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

120. Z

cramps : check

cold grey day : check

sore muscles : check

lack of work to do : check

cramps : check

cramps : check

today would be an awesome day to just go home. crack the bedroom window open for that cool air and pitter patter of rain. to crawl into bed and sleep. sleep. sleep.......

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

119. Most is Good

today is tuesday

i'm so smart, right?

last night i got home and decided it was time to do a weigh-in along with measurements. the last time i did this was on february 19th. i lost a total of 4.8 pounds (although i prefer the total of 6 that the Wii fit gave me...). i also lost a total of 7.5 inches. one of those inches was from my lower arm and another half inch from my upper arm! i was shocked! granted i've been working my arms like crazy but even when i lost all that weight a few years ago i didn't lose a thing from the arms. so - i was very happy. i just wish i could actually see the difference......

after writing that post yesterday and getting carrie's response i did up a master list last night. and it turns out it wasn't as bad as i thought it was. i'm only in need of 4 addresses! i had all of the other ones - on bits of paper - luckily they were all in one place. so i unnecessarily freaked out. it happens, right?

found out i have to tweak the seating chart. had a few add-ons. shoudln't be a problem. and like i said - no one is going to be chained to their chairs. i don't think i sat any mortal enemies next to one another so there should be no battles.

still working on the groomsmans gifts. but they should be done and in the mail tomorrow. again - hopefully.

everything is set for the ceremony. vows are done. wine ceremony supplies are ready to go. my sister is doing a reading. my brother-in-law is going to be singing. the only problem is we haven't been able to touch base with the officiate. but she's a good family friend and i know she's been busy lately - so i'm not worried. regardless - chris and i will be married when all is said and done.

and not that this has anything to do with anything but the wedding liscense for the county we live in is butt ugly. and now you have to have four witnesses! crazy. plus - i was always under the impression that we would sign our liscense but no - our names our just typed on there. we don't sign anything. that just seems stupid to me.....

i'm eating a banana right now.

oh - been getting some good music selections so thanks :) one i forgot about but am so glad it was brought to my attention is 'celebrate' by kool and the gang. i love that song :)

is it normal for brides who have otherwise been find and calm enter a brief freak-out phase. one that might involve tears and contemplation of why they just didn't elope like a sane person? i'm sure it is. that happened to me the other night. and the thing that set it off was so small - so meaningless. hmph. all is good now. :)

i'm rambling. so i'm going to just go ahead and stop. 11 DAYS!

Monday, April 27, 2009

118. Daze

i'm finding myself in a daze lately. a happy daze. a nervous daze. an excited daze. an anxious daze.....

this weekend we were supposed to go up to duluth. that did not happen and that's okay. i had a lot of things to get done and enjoyed being home to do them. i.....

burned more cd's for the favors - still about about 50 left to do

worked on the seating chart. kelly was right - that was hard! luckily i had my future sister and brother in law over (along with chris) to help me out. we figured it out. i think. i hope. i'm not going to worry about it anymore. it's not like people are going to be chained to those chairs - they just have to eat in them. hopefully no one has any problems with my arrangements. i hope. ugh. stop worrying!

was going to work on place cards. ended up not doing so. well sort of. they are supposed to be color coordinated according to what dinner people chose (roasted chicken, tangerine glazed chicken or mushroom pasta) - i chose to do the colors of the wedding. brown, gold and ivory. pretty. but a) our printer is almost out of ink and we are poor and b) printing on brown would not work on our printer c) i don't have some people's names - just a Mr & Mrs John Smith or something of the sort d) i bought special pens to write them out myself but it didn't look as good as i thought it would...

where am i going with this? i've decided to just post my brother at the sign in table and he'll have a guest list with names, table numbers and food choice. people will tell him their names - he will tell them their table number and then hand them the appropiate colored tent card to place at the table so the waiter knows what they are eating. make sense? tacky? i need your opinion!

that was it. oh. while carrie provided with me music selection the rest of you (if anyone else actually reads my blog...) did not give me any music help! i've upped the decades to include the 80's - who doesn't love dancing to great 80's music? send your suggestions!

oh. got my garter in the mail :) very cute.

that is all for now. oh. except for this. i'm frustrated. i have a crap of a master guest list. it doesn't include addresses. i wish to god i had made this when my mom and i were doing all the invites. i had to text people for addresses. e-mail them. and now i don't have those things anymore. perhaps i'll have to have david make everyone include their address in the guest book - yes! brilliant! i was dreading figuring out the thank-you's.....

okay. that is all. for now. for real.

117. Birds

i don't hate birds by any means. not at all. but this morning i could have strangled two of them if i had been given the chance.....

i had another headache going to bed last night. while it wasn't extremely painful it was there and made it difficult to get a good sleep. this morning - an hour before my alarm went off - this bird starts at it. i don't know what it's called. i've heard it my entire life. it's always annoyed me. it sounds like a squeaky door hinge that someone just keeps opening and closing and opening and closing. weet (higher note) weet (lower note). pause. weet. weet. pause. weet. weet. etc.....

finally i was able to block it a bit and fall back asleep. then the woodpecker came. it's been here for about 3 weeks now and i swear is jack hammering into our apartment building. it's so close. i can feel it. and so loud!

all i wanted was to enjoy that last hour of sleep. stupid birds.

on a completely different note: ONLY 12 DAYS UNTIL WE GET MARRIED! AHHH!!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

116. Thank You Bea Arthur

chris and i were out doing a bit of shopping today. as i got back into the car after running into a store he said he had some sad news. then he showed me his phone and there was an article. bea arthur passed away at the age of 86. it made me tear up.....

i have and always will absolutely love and adore The Golden Girls. always.

i remember in college my friend heather and i would take time each night and watch an hour of The Golden Girls and then an hour of Designing Women on Lifetime. now i watch each day after work on the Hallmark channel for an hour. doesn't matter that i've seen each episode a dozen times or more - i still love them! i own 3 seasons on DVD and can't wait to get the rest.

and speaking of those dvd's - chris and i are going to watch a few of the episodes in honor of dorothy. (chris likes them too!)

so here's to you dorothy. thank you for being a friend! you will be missed!

hmph. i don't normally get all sad like this about someone i didn't even know. i just really really loved that show. thanks bea.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

115. No Hokey Pokey Please!


i need help with the music selection.....

we've picked out the songs we're walking down the aisle to and such. we've also picked out the music to play for the cocktail hour. and i've also picked out most of the music for the reception but i just want some ideas.....

i've picked a lot of 50's and 60's. i love love love that music and felt it was something that everyone would enjoy - not something obscure like all bjork music or something. i also included some songs from ABBA. a B52's song. some 'girls just wanna have fun'. some madonna. i even threw in a NKOTB song for me and kelly :) and possibly an N'SYNC song (it's 'bye bye bye' and yes - there is a reason for it)

i like all kinds of music but the 50's and 60's era is my favorite so i've just been kinda stuck there. so if anyone has any suggestions on fun dance songs - let me know! if you also have any suggestions from the 50's and 60's era - let me know them too! :)

we do have a dj and i do trust him but music is huge for me and i just want to make sure a bunch of crap isn't played. i requested no chicken dance or hokey pokey. i also requested no prince. not that i don't like the man but i couldn't take the chance 'pussy control' might get played...(shudder)...i can't stand that song.....


what else?

we got our marriage liscense! yay! although i have to admit i'm more than irked. it cost $110. that didn't bother me so much as the fact that if we had taken some religious pre-marriage class we would have got $70 knocked off that $110! that's bull. you can get married in a court house with no mention of god and it's a marriage. a legal contract. so why does having a blessing from god constitute some massive discount. what a load of crap.

i still feel like i have a lot to get done. i have to finish making the favors. i have to create the seating chart. i have to get the place cards written out. and chris and i set a goal to lose 6 pounds each by the wedding. so we've got 17 days!

i'm hungry - is it lunchtime yet?

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

114. So True

especially me

113. Fake

i'm back. let's see how long my attention span will last tonight.....

observation: typing with fake nails on a laptop sucks balls.

my mom has a wonderful lady that does massages and nails - she's even going to be doing the flowers for my wedding! she gave my mother something called a fiber wrap on her nails to help them grow faster and stronger. i wanted to get something like this. i'm a nail biter and i have no problem with this - but it means i don't have the prettiest nails. not that cared very much but i thought i'd be nice to have them looking halfway decent for the wedding. i decided to get a fiber wrap too.

now granted - i was a dumbass. i didn't do the proper research. i walked into one of the many nail salons this town has to offer and asked if they did fiber wraps - okay - i forgot it was called a fiber wrap and i asked for a nail wrap. regardless - the lady inside said they could do this service. never having had anything done to my nails - ever - i had no idea what to expect.

so i sat there. i sat there while this lady did a bunch of crap to my nails. while she spoke in a language i didn't recognize to her other co-worker. while she spoke on her cell phone to her friends. so awkward. it was one of those things where i knew i should have said something or just left but i thought i was getting what i asked for. and having no one speak english to me for more than few sentences kinda threw me off my guard. and in the end i ended up with fake gel nails. and while they're not long long - they're long to me and driving me nuts. plus i woke up at 1am from my fingers being in so much pain!

all morning at work i searched for a place to remove them. out of about 18 nail salons in the area only one spoke english and actually understood what i was asking when i called. unfortunately they didn't provide gel nail removal. and all the while i'm hearing/reading stories about how incredibly painful the removal process is and how bad these gel (powder gel) nails are. how awful my nails are going to look when i get them removed. how they aren't going to be healed in time. how i'm going to be in severe pain. good god. finally a co-worker suggested i call the beauty school in town. i do and low and behold they speak english! the lady in charge of the nail department explained the process to me - that they don't soak and pop off the nail - they file it down. and that the only way it would be painful is if someone filed too deep. but she promised that they would leave a very thin layer of the gel on (not enough to notice) but enough not to hurt my actual nail.

i have an appointment tomorrow right after work. i cannot wait! i can't stand having this shit on my nails. i woke up this morning and scratched an itch in my nose - gave myself a freaking nose bleed. once these things are off i'll attempt to be kind to my nails and perhaps get a little manicure before the big day but after that - bring on the nail biting. there are far worse habits i could have.....

now that that is off my chest....

the wedding is right around the corner! i can't believe it! not too much left to do....

friday kristin is coming over to help me burn cd's for the favors. i ordered a bunch of cd packaging kits that should be really cute so i'm excited. now if i could actually make the playlist for those cd's.....

i had another dress fitting this past saturday. the dress still fits. i could stand to lose a bit of back fat - more on that in a minute. as i was standing there looking at my dress i couldn't help but notice those annoying bits of chub right next the arm-pit. it's like a mini-boob. yuck. i asked the lady helping me out there was anyone out there who did not have those. she said even the really skinny girls have them becuase the corset bra pushes everything up up up. then she looked at me and said 'you know - i don't think you need that corset bra!'. so she took it off and wow! the dress looked so much better! those bits of chub went from being the size of a small plum to being the size of a little walnut :) what a relief! and it saved me $80 on that damned bra :) yay!

i only have one more appointment before the wedding! luckily kelly will be at this one - she's going to learn how to do the bustle on the dress. thanks kelly!! :)

back to fat - back fat that is. (i'm lame - i know this) after seeing the back of me i made a pledge. i do the treadmill about 3 times a day for 20 minutes a shot. i usually get up each morning and do one of these bouts. only now i do 3 sets of 20 push-ups before the treadmill and 3 sets of 20 after. i started on sunday night and have stuck to it :) and you know - i thought it would be arms and shoulders where i'd feel it - but nope - it's my abs! nice to know i'm working more than i thought i was :)

alright. i'm gonna go get ready for bed. i can't take anymore of this fake nail typing. hopefully tomorrow goes well!

Monday, April 13, 2009

112. Work Countdown Begins

i counted today. only 17 days left of work before the wedding and honeymoon. WAHOO!

in other news.....

the last time i posted i had a massive insanely painful headache. it lasted all thursday night. i was in so much pain i contemplated going into the er in hopes they could give me something. i refrained - too worried about the bill. i got one crap hour of sleep. the next morning i still felt like my head was on fire so i called into work and went to the doctor. they gave me a prescription for new headache pills and a shot in my hip to help with the pain i was in at that moment. then they left me to lay down in the dark for about 20 minutes while the medication did it's thing. it sort of worked. definitely reduced the pain but i still had a headache all weekend. hmph. luckily they've gotten much better this past week :)


turns out i don't feel like posting right now. i've got no attention span. maybe later :)

Thursday, April 2, 2009

111. 18

hour 18.

headache still here.

headache is 100x worse than when it started at 4am this morning.

eyes are constantly watering.

it's moved from all over my head to just the left side.

i want to rip out the left side of my brain.

i want to be able to sleep.

i fucking hate these fucking headaches.

110. 1.5

the headache is still here. STILL.

all i want to do is close my eyes. let them rest. (1.5 hours and counting...)

what a bummer. it's absolutely gorgeous outside and all i want (need) to do is sleep. why must headaches show up at the suckiest times?

i had one like this the day of my shower and bachelorette (i still need to blog about those!) and while i still had a lot of fun i was super bummed - i wasn't all there ya know?

on the upside i did schedule a doctors appointment for next thursday. a different doctor too. hopefully i can get some meds that work. i live in fear that i will have a headache like this the day of our wedding!

109. YaY Sun!

i woke up this morning to find my bedroom bright with sunshine! Hooray!!

unfortunately my enthusiam was a bit dampered by the fact that i'd woken up 3 hours earlier with my 6th headache since last Saturday. 6th!

i still have it.....

i'm hoping i can make a doctors appointment next week. if they tell me i can't have the time to do so...well....i don't know what i'll do....

yay sunshine........

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

108. Missing: Sun

my posts have had a rather negative tone to them lately....i apologize.

i blame the following.

weather. one wet cloudy day is fine. but days upon days upon days upon days is just too much! i can't handle it! it makes me grumpy and pissy and sad.....

the complete lack of anything to do at my job. they've had two years to develop my position and i do less work than when i started! i'd love to find a new one but the chances of doing that are pretty slim. in the meantime i can only pray that times speeds by more quickly why i'm here.

headaches. i am so fucking sick to god of cluster headaches. i wasn't even going to bring it up but i'm getting one - just in the few seconds it's taken me to type this post! that makes 4 in the past week! i need to go to the doctor and get pain pills that i can take without then having to take a nap. i loved that - the doctor gave me pills for migranes (despite the fact that i do not have migranes) and then said they only worked if i layed down. so when i get a headache at a quarter to 2 at work i'm supposed to do what?

i promise to make an attempt to be more positive. an attempt. the weather forcast is looking bleak so this streak might continue for a few more days....if it bugs you go here

107. 6.5

6 hours 30 minutes

i'm going to lose my fucking mind