Tuesday, April 28, 2009

119. Most is Good

today is tuesday

i'm so smart, right?

last night i got home and decided it was time to do a weigh-in along with measurements. the last time i did this was on february 19th. i lost a total of 4.8 pounds (although i prefer the total of 6 that the Wii fit gave me...). i also lost a total of 7.5 inches. one of those inches was from my lower arm and another half inch from my upper arm! i was shocked! granted i've been working my arms like crazy but even when i lost all that weight a few years ago i didn't lose a thing from the arms. so - i was very happy. i just wish i could actually see the difference......

after writing that post yesterday and getting carrie's response i did up a master list last night. and it turns out it wasn't as bad as i thought it was. i'm only in need of 4 addresses! i had all of the other ones - on bits of paper - luckily they were all in one place. so i unnecessarily freaked out. it happens, right?

found out i have to tweak the seating chart. had a few add-ons. shoudln't be a problem. and like i said - no one is going to be chained to their chairs. i don't think i sat any mortal enemies next to one another so there should be no battles.

still working on the groomsmans gifts. but they should be done and in the mail tomorrow. again - hopefully.

everything is set for the ceremony. vows are done. wine ceremony supplies are ready to go. my sister is doing a reading. my brother-in-law is going to be singing. the only problem is we haven't been able to touch base with the officiate. but she's a good family friend and i know she's been busy lately - so i'm not worried. regardless - chris and i will be married when all is said and done.

and not that this has anything to do with anything but the wedding liscense for the county we live in is butt ugly. and now you have to have four witnesses! crazy. plus - i was always under the impression that we would sign our liscense but no - our names our just typed on there. we don't sign anything. that just seems stupid to me.....

i'm eating a banana right now.

oh - been getting some good music selections so thanks :) one i forgot about but am so glad it was brought to my attention is 'celebrate' by kool and the gang. i love that song :)

is it normal for brides who have otherwise been find and calm enter a brief freak-out phase. one that might involve tears and contemplation of why they just didn't elope like a sane person? i'm sure it is. that happened to me the other night. and the thing that set it off was so small - so meaningless. hmph. all is good now. :)

i'm rambling. so i'm going to just go ahead and stop. 11 DAYS!

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