Monday, April 27, 2009

117. Birds

i don't hate birds by any means. not at all. but this morning i could have strangled two of them if i had been given the chance.....

i had another headache going to bed last night. while it wasn't extremely painful it was there and made it difficult to get a good sleep. this morning - an hour before my alarm went off - this bird starts at it. i don't know what it's called. i've heard it my entire life. it's always annoyed me. it sounds like a squeaky door hinge that someone just keeps opening and closing and opening and closing. weet (higher note) weet (lower note). pause. weet. weet. pause. weet. weet. etc.....

finally i was able to block it a bit and fall back asleep. then the woodpecker came. it's been here for about 3 weeks now and i swear is jack hammering into our apartment building. it's so close. i can feel it. and so loud!

all i wanted was to enjoy that last hour of sleep. stupid birds.

on a completely different note: ONLY 12 DAYS UNTIL WE GET MARRIED! AHHH!!

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