Saturday, April 25, 2009

116. Thank You Bea Arthur

chris and i were out doing a bit of shopping today. as i got back into the car after running into a store he said he had some sad news. then he showed me his phone and there was an article. bea arthur passed away at the age of 86. it made me tear up.....

i have and always will absolutely love and adore The Golden Girls. always.

i remember in college my friend heather and i would take time each night and watch an hour of The Golden Girls and then an hour of Designing Women on Lifetime. now i watch each day after work on the Hallmark channel for an hour. doesn't matter that i've seen each episode a dozen times or more - i still love them! i own 3 seasons on DVD and can't wait to get the rest.

and speaking of those dvd's - chris and i are going to watch a few of the episodes in honor of dorothy. (chris likes them too!)

so here's to you dorothy. thank you for being a friend! you will be missed!

hmph. i don't normally get all sad like this about someone i didn't even know. i just really really loved that show. thanks bea.


carrster said...

Sarah O & I used to watch GG every day our freshman year of college!

KeLL said...

I thought of you when I heard the awful news. We'll all miss Bea...