Wednesday, December 3, 2008

67. Bailout Schmailout

is anyone else tired of hearing about all of this bailout crap? about corporate CEO's flying around in luxury jets to beg for money while at the same time refusing to renegotiate their million dollar salaries. about head honchos getting the money and then going on same lavish retreat.

all this and then we have our government telling us to spend! spend! spend!

with what? monopoly money?

i get that things are bad right now. but what i don't get is the spending shit. shouldn't we be saving any money we have? no! no! let's break down the doors to wal-mart - kill an employee - and max out our eighth credit card on a bunch of shit that we don't need! hooray!

i was listening to the radio today and they were discussing the big 3 bailout. this woman was trying to defend them by saying that it wasn't their fault. times are tough right now. people can't get their credit approved to buy cars.

let's back track here. and pardon me if i don't have all the facts - i'm just calling it like i see it. correct me if i'm wrong. 'people cannot get credit approved'. hmmmmmmm......

perhaps people are having problems with their credit because they've bought a bunch of fucking shit in the past that they can't afford. like mcmansions. like houses on wheels that the auto industry calls cars (please. if you seriously went out and bought a hummer because you thought it was cool you're a douche. we all know you just have an incredibly tiny penis). and no i don't feel bad about those people that were duped into thinking that they could afford that big awesome house. you should be able to look at your salary of $50,000 and realize that you cannot afford that $300,000 home.

i suppose i sound like a big witch. i know there are hard working people out there who are in a crap situation that was beyond their control. they did what they were supposed to and lived responsibly. i don't mean to include them in this rant. i'm just talking about the fuckers who think they can go about willy nilly and then hold their hand out the minute it all goes wrong.

urgh. my thought process is just all over and not making sense. i just hate that people who fuck everything up get all this money and the ones who do it all right suffer. ya know?

i graduated high school. college. i work a full time job. yet if i lived on my own i'd be unable to afford my own place to live. i have to pay for my birth control. that one always kills me. the birth control. i work full time and pay for it. there are people out there who can get it for free. pills and condoms - two forms of birth control - free! yet they go out and make babies and then say they need help from the government. screw that shit. sex makes babies. buying all your crap on credit creates debt. common knowledge here.....

i'm going to go relieve some stress now. i'm so cranky i can't tell if i've made a point or just made myself look like a royal ass. ah well....

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