Saturday, November 15, 2008

59. So.....

....i haven't blogged in awhile.

what have i been doing in the meantime you ask?

well. i've been extremely busy not working out. not getting prepared for my wedding - which is now 175 days away. not cleaning. not finishing crafty projects. not keeping in better contact with friends. not eating healthy. you know...the usual....

perhaps i need to get more of a routine going. and perhaps that routine could involve blogging. working out - must work out! i may have mentioned it before but i currently am sporting six boobs in my wedding dress. six. i will get married in my pj's before i look like that on my wedding day or have the dress taken out. must work out.

so what did i do instead tonight? i came home and weighed the options in my head. option a) do entire workout routine. feel really great about self. or option b) sit on sofa and eat pasta then cookie dough. nap. watch sex and the city.

i chose option b.

go me!

hopefully tomorrow will be better. today was kind of icky. work was - eh. i can't put my finger on exactly what it is - but sometimes i feel like i annoy the shit out of people. and today it didn't really bother me but it kinda did at the same time. bleh. i'm not going to worry about it. i'm better than that job anyhow! so there. hmph.

okay. this blog is going nowhere. i'm going to attempt sleep. wierd how during the week all you want is sleep. then friday shows up and i stay up late. not becuase i have big plans. an exciting life. but becuase i feel like i have to. well...not have to.

dear god. do people read this blog? such dribble. going to bed now. goodnight.


Molly said...

Mmm, I love the coziness of the sofa, especially in combination with a god book...

BUT! I have some constructive solutions floating out there... knit, knit. Oh no, wait, that's not it.

xoxoxo We're still reading.

carrster said...

I was so happy to see you'd posted today..or rather Saturday! ha! :) Still love you.