Saturday, June 21, 2008

1. Welcome!


i figured since i'd told everyone i'd moved over here i'd best go ahead and actually post something! not much to say though. pretty lazy weekend......

i went and bought some new yarn for a new special project :) (i really should be banned from the yarn store...) but they have these cute little bags now and whenever you use it to shop there you save 5%! how can i resist? now i just have to get all of my yarn organized! i bought some cute little wall hanging compartments from IKEA to store it all in but i have yet to hang them. speaking of IKEA - chris and i have become rather fond of the 'as-is' section. half the time there is nothing noticably wrong with the stuff and when you can find this shelf for 50% off (and i've been wanting it f-o-r-e-v-e-r) how can you pass it up?

what else? perhaps you're wondering why i started a new blog when it's pretty much just the same as the old one? i needed a change. as much as i love black, white and red i wanted to brighten things up. sure - i could have changed the background colors on the old one but so many of my posts were in light colors that you wouldn't have been able to read them and well...i wanted a new blog! i might jump back and forth between the two - we'll see. i also needed a new name. since you all know i hate my job i didn't want that association brought into my house every time i blogged. and as much as i loved it's catchiness - this one just states the obvious.

and with that i am off to start my new knitting project. or perhaps i'll read (seeing as how book club meets in a week and i just got the book today!)


Molly said...

Does this mean, ah-hem, you are RSVPing for book club? :)

michelle said...

uhh...why yes it does :) i was just on my way over to that blog..yes...that's where i was going next :)