Monday, March 29, 2010

137. Debate Closed

after much debate (not really) i've made up my mind!

i'm going back to 'the perfectionist receptionist'.

i just like the title so much and all it really needed was a makeover (which i've now done).

so if you want to find me that's where to go!

Friday, March 26, 2010

136. The Debate

long time no blog!

for some reason i had the urge to resume blogging again today. out of the blue.

the question is - where to blog. i have my previous blog 'the perfectionist receptionist', i have this blog, and i have a blog that i started this past summer and posted only five entries....

i stopped blogging because the things i wanted to blog about were not really things i wanted everyone who knows about this blog to be reading. so i started an anonymous blog but i missed posting pictures. hmmmm....

perhaps i'll just start posting on here and the anonymous blog. or just the anonymous blog. i like the layout and picture header on this one (that for the life of me i couldn't recreate on the new one - advice?). dagnabbit. what to do?

while i'm deciding let me know (not that there is anyone who still checks this blog anymore...) if you'd like the link to my other blog. perhaps i'll give it you :)